Friday, September 5, 2008

Getting Started

It has taken us a few days to get settled in and to organize our daily lives. Not surprisingly to some of you (since you know our computer limitations), it has also taken some time to figure out how to start posting because for some reason the prompts now come up in french and I couldn't figure out at first how to get into the posting section.

We are now finally managing to get settled into some sort of routine. Caveat: I thought that I was over my jetlag, but it's now 3:30am and I'm wide awake. So I figured that it was time to start blogging.

Angela's understanding of french is quite impressive. There is a caretaker lady named Monique that works for Milton supporting the house. Her son also works to support and repair anything that breaks down in addition to regular chores and jobs in the yard. Angela is able to understand most of what they have to say, and while she is better at receiving the information than talking herself, she is able to converse at a basic level. Needless to say, it's a real confidence boost knowing that Angela has the ability to communicate.

So far, the weather is more like late fall. It's been raining for the last two days, off and on, so we've been swimming rather than biking. But we managed to get Angela's old bicycle over here with no problems and I spent half a day while Angela was in Paris with Milton fixing up one of Milton's bikes. So we are ready to ride and have done two short rides so far. The general area--any direction you decide to go--is absolutely great for bike riding. As it gets later into the fall, we may be challenged with what we can do, but we both think that the time we will be spending on our bikes will be great. More soon. Ken

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